新聞報導 - 大地新聞報導 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會 | |
2013-07-31 | |
228台灣神信仰的獨特性,除了以台灣主體性為出發點,更重要的是透過一般台灣人可接受的普遍化、世俗化方式,推廣台灣神用生命寫歷史的所作所為與追隨其精神面。台灣因特殊的歷史背景與處境,顯而易見中國宗教統戰的痕跡,台灣人要避免成為無根的浮萍,就要從紮根的本土信仰開始。 在此呈現台灣神信仰擬似宗教、社會運動的文化現象,發展的形塑過程等階段性歷程。台灣當前面臨的最大困境,就是自由、民主、人權、法治的消逝,和台灣主體性的流失,以及中國文化與宗教入侵的威脅。這些展板主要的呈現目的,就是用以喚醒人們對於這些危機的警覺,並捍衛這些普世價值,以堅定不移的決心來增強追求台灣獨立的意志。
The faith of 228 Tâi-uân-sîn 228 Tâi-uân-sîn(Taiwanese pronunciation of Taiwan gods) is a primordial faith beyond ethnic, political and religious boundaries, with freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law as the core values, to put focus on Taiwan struggle for human dignity and independence. It’s a modern revelation unveiled through the great deeds of people sacrificing their lives in upholding these universal values against tyranny and oppression. More importantly, it’s a salvation for the people of Taiwan from God through 228 Tâi-uân-sîn by the following mandates: cultivating the concept of popular sovereignty via the revelation of “228 Tâi-uân-sîn Taesiong Scripture”, deepening the universal moral values via the “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn”, and pursuing Taiwan independence as the popular beliefs. A schematic diagram of depicting the development of the faith of 228 Tâi-uân-sîn is shown in Figure 1. The fading of freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law, and the losing of Taiwan subjectivity, and the menace of Chinese culture and religion intrusion are currently the main predicaments faced in Taiwan. The primary goals of this exhibition are to raise people’s awareness of these crises, and to strengthen the willpower of pursuing Taiwan independence with the unswerving determination of maintaining these universal values.
(to be continued)
延伸閱讀:台灣神 228護國台灣神專區 信仰228─不是宗教 【影片】228台灣神太上真經 台灣神道信仰與宗教修行不同? 228台灣神血肉佈施之源由與台灣建國可行之道
http://www.taiwantt.org.tw/tw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7414&Itemid=1 |
2013年7月31日 星期三
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