新聞報導 - 楊緒東專欄 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東醫師 | |
2019-04-12 | |
photo source: 鄭南榕基金會 *橘色粗體字為楊緒東醫師撰寫之書評 重生的鄭南榕,精神永遠不死 至於肉身,他已決定 將在烈焰火光之中為台灣人 擊碎那囚禁他們四百年的牢籠 一個在驚恐中懷胎的外省囝仔 將以一具焦黑的屍體 成為台灣共和國的父親 1989年4月7日凌晨 國民黨重兵壓境,強行攻打雜誌社 鄭南榕反身進入總編輯室 熾烈熱火猛然冒起 熊熊火光中 鄭南榕成了祭壇上活活的犧牲 天上地下的 台灣人的列祖列宗 那前行的 冤屈含恨以歿的先人 都起來吧 有人以生命成就了義 新的台灣人,已在烈火中受胎 那些活著的 拭去淚吧 捆綁你們的枷鎖已經解去 你將因信稱義,不再畏懼,得著自由 寫於1997年4月 He was born in the year of the February 28 Masscare. A life branded by the doomed day. He grew up in a grim era of authoritarian rule. Yet he remained upright and unafraid. He committed himself to be a thinker of action, A mainlander-Taiwanese striding on the thorny land with vitality. When he ignited his life, The burn of calamity finally turned into ashes, And the land was illuminated with the reflection of blazing flames. The rioting broke out on February 28,1947 in Taipei city. Soon started to spread. Townspeople enraged by the muddleheaded,greedy and savage KMT government officials who took over the island’s administration. Beat up whichever mainlander they saw. They came to the doorway of the Chengs’house in a towering rage. Mr.Cheng returned to his hometown in Fouzhou to visit his relatives. His wife,carring a three-month pregnancy,was at home alone…… Some forty years later,the oldest son of the Chengs, The fetus at that time talked about this past thing he heard from his mother. My mom hided in the house ,dared not go out. Fortunately a neighbor stood forward and said, This family was a mainlander husband marrying a Taiwanese wife. Let’s skip them…… And that was how my family escaped the misfortune and I had a chance to stay alive…… The terror of the February 28 Masscare followed Cheng Nan-jung Even before he was born. In his adulthood,he wrote such words In his curriculum vitae for his first job application: I was born in the year of the February 28 Masscare, Which had brought me lifetime torments. That incident had been afflicting him,until the moment when. His body turned into charred remains in blazing flames…… Cheng Nan-jung studied philosophy,specializing in logics,A science That is to distinguish true from false,cause from effect,right from wrong, Where there is no room for ambiguity and compromise But Fearless persistence. He believed in classic liberalism, Upholding the values of individual dignity And he said,”I am a thinker of action.” He refused to take the elective of Sun Yat-Sen’s doctrine, Even which meant disqualification for university diploma. He went into business in order to practice his belief in liberalism. During the first election after the Kaohsiung Incident, He threw himself into the opposition movement. At that time there was no one who asked for his curriculum vitae. Yet on his tanned face we could almost see the mark of The February 28 Masscare that had plagued him for his entire life. He distributed flyers on the streets, Gathered news in the Legislative Yuen, Did assistant work for a Legislator. In early 1984, He collected university diplomas and funds from every source In order to register the publication of Freedom Era Weekly from the Government information Office. The thinker was about to take action. Since March 12,1984, The Weekly and its successive series had run for five years and eight months, Totally three hundred and two issues, Until six months after his death. Since the beginning, He had introduced a strong entrepreneurship to the business. To resist the suppression and confiscation by the Taiwan Garrison Command,And the ruling to ban publication by the Government Information Office, He registered in total 18 licenses And step by step built up a network of printing,shipping and distribution. He contended with the enemy with a broad vision and resourcefulness And strived to publish every issue on schedule whatever it cost. As disclosed by the inscription at the back cover of the Weekly, The mission of his founding the Freedom Era Weekly was to “Fight for a 100% freedom of speech.” For this,regardless of the tense and sensitive political atmosphere, He reprinted in full text Biography of Chiang Ching-kuo written by Henry Liu. Made public Chiang Ching- kuo’s medical condition on many occasions. And exposed the shady dealings and abuses of the military. As a result,the magazine was suppressed, And publication suspended a record-breaking number of times. Several people were sued by high ranking military officers. Cheng Nan-jung was himself framed and sent to prison. The thinker had practiced his belief in liberalism through actions, Yhe with a dear price. Since 1986, Cheng Nan-jung started to intensify and magnify the breadth of his actions. In 1986,he organized”May 19 Green Movement”, Leading a crowd to assemble at Lung Shan Temple to protest against, The 37-year rule of martial law. In 1987,he initiated the”228 Peace Day Promotion Association”, Holding demonstrations and giving speeches all over Taiwan Demanding an investigation into the truth,redrees of injustice, And reconciliation among different ethnic groups. In 1988,he and”Formosan Political Prisoners Association”jointly promoted. The”New Nation Movement”, Marching around the whole island of Taiwan for 40 days. Along the trail of these actions, Cheng Nan-jung faced up to what had troubled him all his life And in fact shackled Taiwan for decades- The 228 Masscare . On April 16,1987, At a speaker meeting in Chin-Hwa Junior High School in Taipei, He stood on the platform, Declaring without hesitation and restraint: “I am Cheng Nan-jung,and I advocate Taiwan Independence.” Many years after, Colleagues in Freedom Era Weekly still talked about How Cheng Nan-jung,in his office of Editor in Chief,would Listen to the recording of his declaration in that speech over and over again With an ecstatic smile. The 228 Masscare,his lifetime torment, Was like an inescapable immense net. Enveloping the whole country strictly and tightly. His outcry pierced the oppressive net Letting in a beam of light into the gloom, Welcomed by all with an exciting cheer. Again and again,on every public speech occasion Before crowds of thousands, He repeated with shining eyes: “I am the‘gin-ah’(Taiwanese for child)of a mainlander, And I advocate Taiwan Independence.” His twisted mind regained clarity,and His torn dignity reintegrated. He finally got rid of the shadow of 228, And was reborn as a brand new,integral and independent human being. He was among the first To join in the establishment of the Taiwan Democracy Party in the U.S., And became the first party member on the island. He published Dr.Hsu Shih-kai’s”Draft for a Taiwan Republic Constitution” And thus received a summons from the Taiwan High Court For”being under suspicion of sedition”. A reborn person had surpassed death. When the unjust regime came to him by cowardly means, He put down: OVER MY DEAD BODY “The KMT will only take my body,they will never take me alive.” January 27,1989,Cheng Nan-jung began his self-confinement. He never again set foot outside his office henceforth. He put three barrels of gasoline and taped a green lighter Under the desk of his Editor in Chief office. And he also constructed defense works inside and outside the magazine office. Volunteers from various places came to guard the place day and night Against forced apprehension by the military and police. During the 71 days, Worried kith and kin came to visit him one after another. Rev.Chi Yuan-teh at Gikong Presbyterian Church led a family worship service At the magazine office every week. Seeing his calm and composed smile. Many people turned and wiped off their tears. The spirit of a reborn Cheng Nan-jung would never die. As to the body,he had decided that He would,amid blazing flames, Advance to destroy the cage That had kept the Taiwanese in captivity for 400 years A child of a mainlander conceived in terror Would become the father of Taiwan Republic In the form of a charred body. In the early hours of April 7,1989 Large numbers of KMT troops surrounded the area and Made an attack by force on the magazine building. Cheng Nan-jung swiftly turned into his Editor in Chief office, And in a sudden it was burning in fervent fire and heat. Amid the flames, Cheng Nan-jung became the live sacrifice on the altar. Ancestors of the Taiwanese in heaven and under the earth, Forerunners died in injustice and with regret, You may all rise to your feet. Someone has accomplished justice with his life. The new Taiwan Republic has been conceived amid the blazing flames. For those who are alive, Wipe off your tears. The shackles that once trussed you up have been removed. You shall be justified by faith,have no more fear, And be blessed with freedom. 鄭南榕基金會,2009,"他的火焰是我們的洗禮/林世煜、胡慧玲",《好國好民-鄭南榕逝世20周年紀念特刊》,海王,台北縣,圖文拉頁。 (未完待續,撰於2009/06/01) 延伸閱讀: 2009鄭南榕逝世20周年紀念特刊—我讀.我見(1) 「我是鄭南榕,我主張台灣獨立」 談鄭南榕的死與生 悼念鄭南榕 不自由毋寧死精神長存 Hsutung's BLOG 楊緒東專欄
http://www.taiwantt.org.tw/tw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1228&Itemid=1 |
2019年4月16日 星期二
2019.04.16【政經看民視】 最新!民進黨內互比民調:蔡23.3% 賴37.8%。
新聞 - 政經看民視 | |
作者 政經看民視民視看正晶 | |
2019-04-16 | |
發佈日期:2019年4月16日 來賓名單: 吳國棟、詹晉鑒、楊實秋。 徐永明、邱明玉、歐崇敬。 視訊連線:曹長青。 討論主題: - 最新!民進黨內互比民調:蔡23.3% 賴37.8%。 - 賴蔡民調拉不近的原因?不願面對的真相竟是... - 最新!政黨支持度民調:藍31.6% 綠21.3%! - 撿到槍有何用?"討厭民進黨"標籤,蔡甩不掉? - 2020軋一腳?郭台銘首度鬆口:這二天會決定! - 內幕!韓只是煙霧彈?郭台銘才是真正的后羿! - 驚!隱藏版大物?郭台銘民調僅輸韓國瑜2%! - 參選是假,炒股是真?知情人士:對客戶難交代。 政經看民視FB:https://www.facebook.com/jengchinonftv53/ 民視新聞官網:http://news.ftv.com.tw/ 四季線上影視:https://www.4gtv.tv/ Youtube直播頻道:http://ppt.cc/AClv Youtube影片頻道:http://ppt.cc/raEwR Source: YouTube - 政經看民視民視看正晶
http://www.228.net.tw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33303&Itemid=76 |
新聞 - Other Sources | |
作者 文/陳俊廷 影音/林崑峯 | |
2019-04-16 | |
陳永興說,台南地震那一刻,相信台灣人尤其台南人都看到畫面,賴無暝無日幾乎無吃無睏投入指揮搶救與受災戶重建家園,那時候全台灣的人攏對台南苦難關心也肯定賴。事實證明,賴的救災與搶救的表現,陳永興認為,「他」賴清德和受苦難的人民同在一起的畫面,身為醫師的人更都能看出賴清徳投入體現醫者心的情懷溢於言表,這一刻「我們都是一家人」共同和苦難的台灣凝聚生命共同體。 2016年2月9日台南震災搜救進入第五天,南市長賴清德約6點半獨自步行走出維冠大樓倒塌現場時,被記者發現腳上的鞋子已經「開口笑」,賴清德說,他穿的是舊鞋,剛剛才發現鞋底脫落,會回去換另一雙好鞋繼續下一個視察行程。而賴清德幾乎不眠不休每天鎮守災區,各界關心其身心狀況,對此賴清德說,當住院醫師值班「這是很平常的事」…. (youtube/三立) 2014地方大選,賴清德獲得73%全國最高勝率連任市長,當時不設競選總部、不插旗、不設看板、不造勢..等「五不」他完全以其四年為台南奉獻與市政表現讓人民檢驗,結果不僅獲全國最高得票勝率,其競選經費還是全國最低,賴勝選後將補助款捐給甘惠忠神父 ※甘神父1963年從美國舊金山搭船花了21天來台後,曾在苗栗縣泰安鄉服務,1976年接任台南市瑞復益智中心主任,1988年創設德蘭啟智中心,1996年在設伯利恆文教基金會,此後一直待在台南學甲,甘神父在台灣深耕50多年,以特殊教育為已任,推動早期療育,薛伯輝基金會感於甘神父無私付出,為完成甘神父心願,從103年啟動持續4年的愛心募款活動,集合全國3627位愛心捐贈,位於學甲的「伯利恆早療暨融合教育中心」!當時已任閣揆的賴清徳專程返台南揭幕,他感動表示,我們眼睛看到這個建築是由鋼筋水泥所建造而成,可是如果我們把眼睛閉起來看(感受)這棟建築,其實是用「愛」打造而成….. 。 賴談到其擔任市長時,甘神父有提出三個心願,如今已幫他全部達成,首先是將伯利恆中心旁邊、1000坪、10米深廢棄工地大洞填滿,讓該地安全;再來就是幫助甘神父拿到台灣的身分證;最後是希望要有早療中心幫助弱勢孩童 ※「伯利恆早療暨融合教育中心」落成!賴清德:愛的建築 【影音】融合教育推動者 甘惠忠神父(僑委會) https://www.peoplenews.tw/news/7f8dfe2f-30e1-4469-8cd3-bbb568a4d15a (youtube/民視) 陳永興說,由此件事情,可看見賴清徳以醫師情懷融入體會甘神父的心情,他認為賴是值得尊敬政治人物。 賴清德主政台南施政滿意度攀高峰,其個人民調知度更迭創新高,其清流堅持甚至因捍拒李金教黑金賄選議長案堅不進入議會,賴的堅持最終讓陽光灑入議會。 陳永興指出,蔡英文完全執政,但因任用林全等所謂老男籃等在各部會,眾所皆知,見諸媒體蔡民調持續下滑,為此邀賴入閣,見諸當時蔡政府民調大幅上揚! 當前人民薪資上升,陳永興舉賴清徳調高基本工資與長照2.0為例,他以其所擔任蓮門諾醫院基金會為例,需要照顧3000個老人,門諾要聘300個長照人員,過去要照顧偏遠地區的長照人員薪資約僅2萬多,也因此很難聘到人,賴在立院答詢表示盼長照人員提高薪資增至4萬,當時很多人認為天荒夜譚,但賴默默持續苦幹實幹調高基本工時相關配套,陳永興說:「門諾也就真地調高到4萬元,所以現在聘的到人員,也真能落實照顧偏遠地區」。 陳永興肯定賴清徳閣揆任內真正照顧弱勢、勞工、老人與所有偏鄉受苦的人民站在一起。(待續) ※附註1 當前人民很有感地薪資調漲,肇始自賴揆,並率先由軍公教加薪帶頭,而當時為賴清德軍公教加薪,高雄醫學大學劉景寬校長2017年9月校務會議中責成相關單位提出全面調升學校與附屬醫院教職員工薪水3%預算。高醫大也成為全國率先響應賴揆的大學院校成為媒體爭相報導的焦點。劉景寬當時表示,調薪回饋對教職員工是一種鼓勵與獎勵,也是學校照顧教職員工的生活、善盡學校應肩負的社會責任。 呼應賴揆喊加薪 高醫大跟進!校長劉景寬校務會議提加薪3%(民報2017/918) https://www.peoplenews.tw/news/14dd3f61-8207-4b51-9b40-723d8fd5d463 ※附註2 陳永興電台與談「我認識的賴清德」:一個承擔苦難和受苦的人站在一起的人。分別在上周日與昨天在微微笑廣播電台與民生電台播出,聽眾迴響熱烈,並有不少網友留言:眾所皆知媒體報導管碧玲證實賴揆原邀其任教育部長,那為何最後變成葉俊榮回鍋擔任還放水管中閔案,不少網友希望未來這一段能「維基解密」,網友留言為此註記。 Source: 民報
http://www.228.net.tw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33301&Itemid=76 |
蔡政府 早就定調:放馬打扁 檢察官放水不押馬 證據出爐
(法治時報2018-11-01台北報導)在2018-10-31上網出刊的壹周刊,其報導內容中,有一個特別製作的專題,介紹「馬英九三中緘默大解密 檢方誘敵計策曝光】,該文中,可以清楚看到,蔡英文上台之後,不僅「放水」台北地檢署前檢察長蔡碧玉繼續縱容馬英九的弊案「不辦」,甚至,連更換檢察長邢泰釗之後,也是「故意」不對馬英九提出「羈押」聲請!
新聞 - 政經看民視 | |
作者 政經看民視民視看正晶 | |
2019-04-15 | |
發佈日期:2019年4月15日 來賓名單: 吳國棟、汪潔民、范雲。 陳柏惟、童文薰、唐德明。 視訊連線:曹長青。 討論主題: - 獨家!說不選卻毀信?賴清德親上火線回擊! - 談誠信?回顧小英對扁案與司法改革的承諾! - 帶風向?誠信不該有期限,英粉效忠用錯地方? - 賴突襲?真相:已是近三次初選最長準備時間! - 內幕!緊貼小英、衝康賴?揭柯萊爾站台策略! - "蔡柯配"劇本看不上眼!政經踢爆柯進總統府? - 蛤?中國官媒記警告,因為韓導喊國防靠美國! - 賺人民幣買美武器?中國網友嗆韓「台獨份子」! 政經看民視FB:https://www.facebook.com/jengchinonftv53/ 民視新聞官網:http://news.ftv.com.tw/ 四季線上影視:https://www.4gtv.tv/ Youtube直播頻道:http://ppt.cc/AClv Youtube影片頻道:http://ppt.cc/raEwR Source: YouTube - 政經看民視民視看正晶
http://www.228.net.tw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33296&Itemid=76 |
新聞 - Other Sources | |
作者 文/陳俊廷 影音/ 林崑峯 | |
2019-04-15 | |
陳永興強調並認為台灣社會需要有這款的政治人物,他認為賴清德代表綠營出來戰韓國瑜才有獲勝的可能,也才有機會抵抗中國勢力與中資媒體的造神運動。 此外,民進黨總統初選當前已是不公平的競爭!民進黨一場中執會,讓民進黨的進步價值淪喪倒退。從學生時代一路投入黨外衝民主至今仍在為國家運動努力打拼的陳永興說:「我很誠懇也很感嘆的心情,我自認是台灣有良心的醫師,打拼見證台灣社會運動、人權文化與參與政治改革的民主演進」。他說:我深深反省與思考希望聽眾朋友共同分享賴新書《用行動帶來希望》,的章節。陳也有感的以電台播放音樂的「台灣英雄」為例,曲中提出「真(著)本領,才是是真英雄」,對照當前民進黨關於總統初選的中執會,更令人分外有感。 陳說:台灣人溫純善良有理想、有情有義….該曲「台灣英雄」一如描述他所認識的賴清德, 陳認為,他所認識的賴清德對台灣有情有義、為理想努力打拼意志堅強!肯負責的精神,才是是真英雄。 「一路走來,他就是一個承擔苦難和受苦的人站在一起的賴清德」!陳永興昨在微微笑廣播電台「聽醫生講看覓」與談他所認識的賴清德,陳舉眾多事例,他認為賴清德有原則有理想的堅持、肯負責、無改變對台灣這塊土地與對台灣社會的承諾,且對台灣的主權維護與對台灣經濟產業具踏實解決困難,另對台灣的弱勢者能真心感受體貼與照顧,並正務實面對問題尋找解決之方。陳永興說,賴是至今台灣政治人物中表現最好的前段班。 陳永興在微微笑廣播電台「聽醫生講看覓」昨上午播出後迴響熱烈,民報之聲電台節目今15日(高雄民生電台FM89.7晚九時至十時)將原音重播,相關分享的小故事與內容與時政與評將在民報陸續上線。 Source: 民報
http://www.228.net.tw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33295&Itemid=76 |
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