自由時報五月十八日有德國台僑投書,呼籲大家自己寫信向WHO抗議,醫界前輩楊教授很快的就響應,不僅請美國心律協會(Heart Rhythm Society,HRS,原NASPE)將他的國家別更正,也投書到WHO。筆者也跟進。兩個版本的抗議信如下,供大家參考,可以直接使用,也可以自行加以排列組合。開頭可加To Whom It May Concern或Dear Sir/Madam,信後寫Cordially yours, 或Sincerely yours, 結尾署名最好加單位職稱及連絡方式。
I am writing to protest your referring Taiwan as "Province of China" in your memo dated September 14th, 2010. It is of course an incontestable reality that Taiwan is NOT a province of China.
Taiwan is a sovereign independent country with its own elected president, its own military, stock exchange, etc. If American citizens travel to Taiwan, the Chinese embassy is unable to issue a visa to Taiwan. And vice versa: if American citizen travels to China, the Taiwan representative in the United States is unable to issue a visa to China.
I urge you correct this mistake and refer Taiwan simply as "Taiwan". I thank you for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.
Taiwanese people are deeply troubled by the WHO’s statement that refers to Taiwan as a "Province of China". While Taiwan was misidentified as the "Republic of China" by the Nationalist Party after World War II, People’s Republic of China has NEVER had any authority toward Taiwan. Taiwan is a actual sovereign state with a population of 23 million. To call Taiwan a province of China is a blatant insult to the 23 million citizens of Taiwan.
We express our strong opposition to such misnomer and urge the WHO to right the wrong soon.
As a Taiwanese, I must express my strongest opposition and protest to the WHO memo dated September 14, 2010 which states that procedures used by the WHO to facilitate relations with Taiwan were subject to Chinese approval and it instructs its agencies to refer to Taiwan as a "province of China". This form of hegemony is destructive and unjust.
This attempt to diminish Taiwan in the eyes of the international community will not go unnoticed. Known as the "Republic of China" after World War II, Taiwan is a virbant democracy with de-facto statehood. The twenty-three million people in Taiwan are NOT and have NEVER been subject to the rule of the Chinese government. To call Taiwan a "Province of China" is the ultimate insult to the 23 million citizens in Taiwan.
I sincerely hope WHO will correct this mistake and issue a formal apology to the people of Taiwan.