2014年11月26日 星期三

【影片】為什麼我要離開沙發走上街頭:黃國昌(Kuo-Chang Huang) at TEDxTaipei 2014



講者:黃國昌(Kuo-Chang Huang)
臺灣法律學者,長期關心並參與學運、社運,三一八佔領立院行動後發起新組織島國前進。­國立政治大學法學院法律系副教授和中央研究院法律學研究所研究員 (二者合聘)、法研所法實證研究資料中心執行長,並兼任國立臺北大學法律學系副教授與­國立臺灣大學經濟學系副教授。專研民事程序法學(民事訴訟法、強制執行法、破產法)、­國際訴訟、證據法、法律實證研究等。他是國立臺灣大學法學士、日本東京大學研究、美國­康乃爾大學法學碩士、博士、美國傅爾布萊特獎學者。曾任澄社社長(2010-2012­年),為島國前進發起人之一。

Kuo-Chang Huang is a legal scholar and a dedicated activist of student movements, community movements, and the Sunflower Student Movement of 2014. As the Assistant Professor of the Law Department at National Cheng Chi University and an associate legal researcher at the Academia Sinica, Kuo-Chang also serves as the Assistant Professor of the Law Department at both the National Taipei University as well as the National Taiwan University. He specializes in civil procedure law (civil law enforcement, bankruptcy law), international litigation, evidence law, and areas involving legal empirical research. He has a bachelor's law degree from National Taiwan University, and master and PhD degrees from Cornell University.

Kuo-Chang was also a recipient of the Fulbright Scholar Award from US. Between 2010 and 2012, he was the president of the "Taipei Society", an organization formed by liberal scholars of Taiwan aimed to facilitate social and political dialogues

