新聞報導 - 大地新聞報導 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會 | |
2014-07-08 | |
致意台中,台灣,1998年05月05日 親愛的希拉蕊女士, 給您的信,請見諒,希望沒耽誤到您的時間。 當我們審視歐布萊特女士的故事,可看出美國是一個偉大的國家,他九年級的時候,一個難民操著奇怪的口音加上錯誤的穿著,決定創立一個國際關係社團,自己並當上主席,現在,46年後,她已經準備好成為外交領域中最有影響力的人之一,因為她的聲音比任何人都能把未來帶進白宮。 這是一個自由國度才有的機會,如果美國不是民主國家,她會一事無成。 段蔭明從中國基督徒最黑暗的時代中存活了下來,就在毛澤東主席1949年建立中華人民共和國的幾個禮拜之後,被任命為羅馬天主教主教。 “我被發配到農村貶為苦力,我的工作就是搬運沙子、煤礦與建築材料一整天,我就是一名搬運工,沒有教會的存在,我的會眾被遣散了。”他挺過折磨與苦力,變成他國家中最老的天主教領袖。 “文化大革命回憶起來很難過,毒打與反叛也很難去談,那是很痛苦的經驗。在發生這些事之後,我該如何勝任主教呢?” 他說。 這位90歲的主教目前領導著位於農村的四川省萬縣教區,屬於在北京與梵蒂岡切斷關係之後的才建立四百萬會眾的”愛國”教會其中之一。 有六百萬”地下”天主教徒在中國境內家庭式教堂內進行禮拜。 “我們已經建立我們自己獨立的教堂,並每天幫教宗祈禱及相信他。”段補述。 華盛頓與北京的關係去年反彈回升了,在1989年六四天安門廣場鎮壓和平的民主派示威的8年動盪後,該事件引發美國一連串的制裁。 北京4月30日-中國共產黨週四措詞強硬地與美國國務卿歐布萊特對談,要求結束所有天安門大屠殺之後所實施的制裁並拒絕討論敏感的圖博議題。 好運與厄運取決於人權的力量,不是嗎? “依照上帝的旨意行事!” 沒有人可以用任何辦法打擊柯林頓家族。 楊緒東 台灣大地文教基金會董事長
May 5,1998---Hillary Rodham Clinton
Taiwan Tati Cultural And Educational Foundation B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St. Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. May 5, 1998. Dear Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Letters for you; I beg your pardon, hope no interrupt your time. United States is a great country when we reviewed the history of. Mrs. Madeleine Albright; when she was in the ninth grade, a recent refugee with a funny accent and wrong clothes who decided to start an international-relations club and make herself its president. Now, 46 years later, she is poised to become one of the most influential foreign policy power in the arena, because her voice carries future than anyone else's right into the White House. It is the chance of free country, if United States isn't democratic states, she would do nothing at all. Duan Yin-Ming survived Christian China's darkest age, ordained a Roman Catholic bishop just weeks after chairman Mao Zedong founded the People's Republic of China in 1949. "I was sent to the countryside and degraded as a coolie. My work term moved sand and coal and construction material all day, moving and carrying, I was porter and the church did not exist. My congregation was disbanded." He came through torment and hard labor to become his country's oldest Catholic leader. "The cultural revolution is sad to recollect and hard to talk about the beatings, the rebellion, it was a very bitter experience. With all of this happening, how could I be active as a bishop?" he said. The 90-year-old bishop currently heads the Wanxian Diocese in rural. Sichuan province, part of a 4 million-member " patriotic " church established after Beijing cut ties with the Vatican. There are 6 million "underground" Catholics who worship illegally in house churches across China. "We have established our own independent church, yet we also pray for the pope everyday and believe in him." Duan added. Relations between Washington and Beijing rebounded last year after eight years of turmoil that began with the brutal June 4, 1989 crackdown on peaceful pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. The incident prompted a series of U.S. sanctions. Beijing April 30--- Communist China talked tough with U.S. secretary of state Madeleine Albright on Thursday, demanding an end to all sanctions imposed after the Tiananmen massacre and refusing to discuss the sensitive issue of Tibet Good luck and bad luck is depending on the power of human right, isn't it? "Do God's will!" No one can beat Clinton's family at any way. Sincerely Yours, Yang Hsu-Tung. President of Taiwan Tati Cultural And Educational Foundation 相關閱讀: 楊緒東醫師給希拉蕊的信(6) 楊緒東醫師給希拉蕊的信(5) 楊緒東醫師給希拉蕊的信(4) 楊緒東醫師給希拉蕊的信(3) 楊緒東醫師給希拉蕊的信(2) 楊緒東醫師給希拉蕊的信(1) 希拉蕊給楊緒東醫師的回信 延伸閱讀: 商業周刊-獨家專訪呼聲最高的下一位美國總統 希拉蕊:越依賴中國,台灣越脆弱 希拉蕊:太依賴中國 台灣會變脆弱 〈社論〉希拉蕊為台灣敲響警鐘 希拉蕊直白 戳破馬謊言 畫中有話-中共會2016年之前,逼阿九訂立急統不可逆的條約 畫中有話-中國人民還活在〝黑暗監牢〞,這是台灣人民要的生活嗎? 畫中有話-依天命此次的美國總統應該是〝希拉蕊〞,僅供參考
出處: 台灣大地文教基金會
2014年7月8日 星期二
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