新聞報導 - 大地新聞報導 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會 | |
2013-08-20 | |
推廣時的特殊狀況 (續) 有遭遇過228家屬前來詢問,為何看不到他的受難親人被列為「台灣神」而自發性提供圖文資料給志工的狀況。 亦有信仰天主教的228家屬林黎彩女士看到臨時「台灣神」神座上的親人照片解析度不佳,而提供原始照片給志工的情形。也曾遇到從美國回台灣參加遊行的228家屬李榮欣老先生,遊行路上與志工相談甚歡,來到移動式「台灣神」神座後,發現自己的親人在列,基於本身是基督教只能向神座行注視禮,更表示要把「台灣神」的平安符帶到美國與親友們分享等意料之外的良好互動。 (本系列終,「台灣聖山-生態教育園區」階段資料(一個228台灣神信仰的根據地……).即將推出) Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (6/6) Special Situation during Promotion (Continue) The most memorable experiences of the “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” movement during the street promotion are the encounters of victims' families. For instance, some of them asked why their relatives’ photos were not shown in the temporary gods’ seat. To be recognized and accepted, they were voluntary offering their relatives’ photos and detailed information to volunteers. In other encounter, Mrs. Lin, Li-tsai, a Catholic, noticed the blurring of her relatives’ photo while looking at the temporary gods’ seat, and then would like to provide the original picture. Interestingly, Mr. Li, Jung-hsin from the United States accidentally met with one of volunteers in a protest rally and had a very pleasant conversation, and later was very surprised to find their relative showed up in the temporary gods’ seat. As a Christian himself, the staring courtesy was the way to show the respect towards Tâi-uân-sîn. Later, he expressed the willingness to bring the talisman of Tâi-uân-sîn back to U.S. and share this unusual but pleasant experience with relatives. A series of photos of the victims' families are shown in Picture 18 through Picture 21. (Series End. The Stages of Education Center (The Taiwan Holy Mountain - Ecological Education Park). Coming soon.) 聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰系列:228台灣神的信仰 發展的背景源由 為何稱為「228台灣神」(1/2) 為何稱為「228台灣神」(2/2) 為何祂們代表台灣神 228相關的37位台灣神代表 228之外的12位台灣神代表 期望達到的目標 《228台灣神太上真經》 台灣神信仰的推廣 (1/6) 台灣神信仰的推廣 (2/6) 台灣神信仰的推廣 (3/6) 台灣神信仰的推廣 (4/6) 台灣神信仰的推廣 (5/6) 延伸閱讀:台灣神 228護國台灣神專區 信仰228─不是宗教 【影片】228台灣神太上真經 台灣神道信仰與宗教修行不同? 228台灣神血肉佈施之源由與台灣建國可行之道
http://www.taiwantt.org.tw/tw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7503&Itemid=1 |
2013年8月20日 星期二
聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰:台灣神信仰的推廣 (6/6)
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