為何祂們代表台灣神 台灣神並無「血統」「人種」之別,其在於對台灣所付出的奉獻,能合乎天地良心,而能秉持終生的堅持,其等代表著對台灣存亡的無畏佈施。祂們是為台灣這塊土地與人民燃燒光與熱,乃真正的「大道行者」「上帝使徒」。台灣神代表的審議原則有三點:
一、凡是無私、無悔、無所求,為台灣這塊土地謀福、救民、護土、犧牲者,皆可謂之。 二、凡能為台灣民主、自由、人權、法治的理念而傾其一生,始終如一奉獻心力與生命者,皆可謂之。 三、為台灣人民主持公平、公理、公義,反抗暴政,勇於靈肉佈施者,皆可謂之。 (未完待續) Why do they represent Tâi-uân-sîn? There are no racial or ethnic differences in 228 Tâi-uân-sîn. Only who have an unflinching faith and devotion in upholding God’s given rights, human rights, and are willingly and fearlessly sacrificing their lives for the survival of Taiwan. They are the true apostles of God. Specifically, there are three deliberative principles for who to be called as Tâi-uân-sîn representative are listed in the following:
1.People who fearlessly sacrifice their lives without any regrets and requests in order to serve the common good, save lives and protect land for Taiwan shall be called. 2.People who sacrifice their lives and devote their whole life for the beliefs of democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law for Taiwan shall be called. 3.People who fearlessly sacrifice their life in order to uphold equality, truth, justice and against tyranny for the people of Taiwan shall be called. (to be continued) 聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰系列: 228台灣神的信仰 發展的背景源由 為何稱為「228台灣神」(1/2) 為何稱為「228台灣神」(2/2)
延伸閱讀: 台灣神 228護國台灣神專區 信仰228─不是宗教 【影片】228台灣神太上真經 台灣神道信仰與宗教修行不同? 228台灣神血肉佈施之源由與台灣建國可行之道
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