新聞報導 - 大地新聞報導 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會 | |
2016-01-13 | |
《228台灣神太上真經》的經典主要強調台灣人應該追隨先人保台、護台、建國的精神,發揮無堅不摧的道德勇氣來捍衛台灣,因為沒有主權、國家的人民,會步步朝向滅亡的方向,人生會從彩色轉成死灰,是任何人都無法避免的大浩劫,有鑒於此,全體台灣人以及後代子孫應秉持民主、自由、人權的普世價值建立正常的國家。 經典主軸圍繞在警世與勉勵的方向,警惕扭曲民主、誤導人權、是非不分者會有天譴等業報,並鼓勵效法先人犧牲奉獻、為民主建國而奮鬥的精神,才能邁向自由法治的民主國家。 這是一本具有現代思潮觀念的經典,其信仰內涵偏重在當下現實世界的台灣,而非來世的淨土。人民要有當家作主的信仰觀念,才不會被統治者別有用心的支配為耽溺的迷信者,甚至當成宗教統戰的工具之一。 (未完待續) “228 Tâi-uân-sîn Taesiong Scripture” The “228 Tâi-uân-sîn Taesiong Scripture” is a book of modern scripture scripted on A.D. 2004 February 28th. It’s a revelation for the people of Taiwan from God through the great deeds of people sacrificing their lives in upholding freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law. Praising and blessing people upholding universal values, and prophetic warnings and the consequences of losing these values, and realization of a true freedom and democratic country of Taiwan are the main aspirations of the scripture. More importantly, the scripture is a guideline for the people of Taiwan to regain their self-esteem and to understand the true meaning of self-determination. It’s more like a textbook of the social justice curriculum for people to learn and see self as self-empowered activists (both individually and collectively) by contributing to social justice by protecting and extending human rights. In short, it’s a modern scripture for people to follow the spirit of 228 Tâi-uân-sîn representatives and to see themselves as sovereign entities in exercising the right of sovereign for the furtherance of human rights, dignity and peace in the world. (to be continued) 聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰系列: 228台灣神的信仰 發展的背景源由 為何稱為「228台灣神」(1/2) 為何稱為「228台灣神」(2/2) 為何祂們代表台灣神 228相關的37位台灣神代表 228之外的12位台灣神代表 期望達到的目標 延伸閱讀: 台灣神 228護國台灣神專區 信仰228─不是宗教 【影片】228台灣神太上真經 台灣神道信仰與宗教修行不同? 228台灣神血肉佈施之源由與台灣建國可行之道
http://www.taiwantt.org.tw/tw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7475&Itemid=57 |
2016年1月13日 星期三
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