新聞報導 - 大地新聞報導 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會 | |
2016-01-18 | |
台灣神信仰的推廣 (5/6)
推廣時的特殊狀況 推廣「拜台灣神」運動的過程,一開始民眾有面露怪異的眼光並且避之唯恐不及的反應,這也是志工的尷尬期。當向他人發送宣傳單遭拒絕時,才發現推廣理念所需要的勇氣,夜市攤販叫賣物品的方式,也成為志工觀察與模仿的學習對象。 接著民眾從遠遠的觀看志工們的行為,漸漸到普遍接受這種型式的推廣,主動來參拜「台灣神」,亦發生過因膜拜人數在短時間眾多而出現香爐過熱火苗由下往上燒的「發爐」現象,以及爐內立香數量不多但火苗由上往下延燒的「火燒爐」狀況。 宣揚過程中的特殊遭遇有出現過操外省口音的長者,認為228家屬已經得到政府的補償金,為何還拿出來操作省籍情結,無法認同「拜台灣神」運動的推廣而在現場大聲抗議的情況。另外也發生過在遊行現場被警察當成非法攤販要加以驅趕,志工們極力捍衛自身權益之下,女警脫口而出「我的上級是中華人民共和國」 的「女警失言事件」。 (未完待續) Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (5/6) Special Situation during Promotion At the beginning of the street promotion, most of people showed the weird eyes on their faces and then stayed away from volunteers by rejecting the promotion leaflets. In a long run, these kinds of encounters will surely make volunteers very frustrated. To boost morale, the selling skills of street vendors at night market became the best target for volunteers to imitate and learn. As time went by, people were gradually aware of the underlying meaning of “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn”. And, more people were willing to show their respect towards Tâi-uân-sîn. In a crowd scenario, a phenomenon of overheating censer causing burning incense on fire spontaneously from bottom to top, or commonly called “Huat-lôo (Taiwanese pronunciation)”, has been encountered while too many people paying their respects within a short period of time. Interestingly, in an opposite scenario a phenomenon of burning incense on fire spontaneously from top to bottom, or called “Hué-sio-lôo (Taiwanese pronunciation)”, has been encountered while only a few burning incense sticks in the censer. These phenomena are shown in Picture 14 and Picture 15. In a special encounter, an elderly man with a mainlander’s accent shouted loudly at the site expressing his discontent with the “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” movement, and at the same time argued that victims' families of 228 Incident had been compensated by government why this subject was brought out to stir up the complex relationship between native Taiwanese and mainlander. Also, many volunteers had the experience being mistreated as an illegal street vendor by local police (see Picture 16). On another occasion, a policewoman burst out and said that “My superior is the People's Republic of China” during an intense dispute with volunteers at the protest site (see Picture 17). (to be continued) 聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰系列: 228台灣神的信仰 發展的背景源由 為何稱為「228台灣神」(1/2) 為何稱為「228台灣神」(2/2) 為何祂們代表台灣神 228相關的37位台灣神代表 228之外的12位台灣神代表 期望達到的目標 《228台灣神太上真經》 台灣神信仰的推廣 (1/6) 台灣神信仰的推廣 (2/6) 台灣神信仰的推廣 (3/6) 台灣神信仰的推廣 (4/6) 延伸閱讀: 台灣神 228護國台灣神專區 信仰228─不是宗教 【影片】228台灣神太上真經 台灣神道信仰與宗教修行不同? 228台灣神血肉佈施之源由與台灣建國可行之道 警察阻擾事件: 【Video】中共公安已進駐台北中國城? 【影片】白目警察擾民,又添一椿 【影片】警察唬爛守法人民,惡意刁難合法路權
http://www.taiwantt.org.tw/tw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7502&Itemid=57 |
2016年1月18日 星期一
聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰:台灣神信仰的推廣 (5/6)
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