
2013年11月8日 星期五


從最近的新聞報導,我們知道,中共對於拒絕在自家屋頂懸掛五星旗的博巴 (藏人) 們,動輒毆打或槍擊,試圖打擊博巴們的精神。但現在,我們有一個最好的機會,可將希望帶給圖博這值得驕傲卻深陷絕望的民族
中國的領導人正展開強力的行動,試圖掩蓋他們侵犯人權的行為,並說服各國政府在聯合國人權理事會選舉時投票給中國(按:2013年11月12日即將投票)。所以,如果我們有足夠的人數,告訴大家圖博正在發生什麼事-- 古老的宗教被壓迫、禁止記者進入、凌晨突襲逮捕--我們可以讓中國感受到壓力,中國為了獲得當選理事國必須的 97 票,必須改變其強硬政策
讓我們告訴圖博人民,世界沒有遺忘他們。中國現在感到坐立難安,因為有 13 個國家的政府才在聯合國會議上為圖博人權大聲疾呼。請為圖博連署,和圖博站在一起,也請把連署活動分享給所有人。連署人數達到一百萬人時(在11月10日之前需至少一百萬人連署),我們將把連署書遞交給重要的聯合國代表團,並使其成為媒體焦點。

Tibetans who refuse to fly the Chinese flag above their homes risk being beaten or shot in the latest attempt to break their spirits. But now is the best moment in ages to bring hope to Tibet's proud, but desperate people.

China’s leaders are mounting an intense campaign to draw a veil over their rights abuses and persuade governments to vote them onto the UN Human Rights Council. So if enough of us shine a light on what’s going on in Tibet -- squashing an ancient religion, banning journalists, dawn arrests --we can get China to back away from its hard-line policy to be sure of getting the 97 votes it needs.

Let’s show the Tibetan people that the world hasn’t forgotten them. China is feeling the heat as 13 governments just called them out on human rights in Tibet. Sign to stand with Tibet, then share this with everyone. When one million have signed we’ll deliver it to crucial UN delegations, and make it massive in the media.
Please sign the petition: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/stand_with_tibet_loc/?rc=fb&pv=81

我名叫土登旺青,我是一名圖博 (西藏) 僧侶。53 年前,我無法忍受中國政權惡劣的統治,被迫逃離了圖博。今天,我請求大家加入我的行動,協助結束這六十年來圖博遭受的的殘酷對待,並且帶給圖博人民希望。

中國往往對外界針對其對待圖博人民的批評無動於衷,但是,最近的幾個事件,讓我覺得也許情勢是可以改變的。經過幾個月的努力,在上一週(按:2013年10月11日),西班牙法庭起訴前中國國家主席胡錦濤犯了「種族滅絕罪」。而這週在日內瓦(按:10月21日到11月1日,聯合國正在進行包含中國在內的 15 個國家的人權情況審理),我見到聯合國許多政府,在聯合國審查中國人權情況時,為圖博仗義直言。中國仍維持一貫譴責這些政府的態度並試圖掩飾他們虐待圖博人民的行為。

11月12日,中國希望這些政府投票通過讓中國繼續擔任聯合國人權理事會的理事國。但是,無法否認的證據證實,中國連最基本的人權公約都不遵守,很難看到這些政府能找到一個合理的理由投「同意」票 。在這關鍵時刻,我請求各位加入我的行動,強烈敦促各國政府和圖博站在一起,投「反對」中國擔任聯合國人權理事會的理事國,幫助結束我們的苦難。

A Monk's call to Save Tibet

My name is Thubten Wangchen and
 I am a Tibetan monk. I was forced to flee Tibet 53 years ago because I could no longer live under China's harsh regime. Today I am asking you to join me to help end these six decades of brutality and bring hope to the people of Tibet.

China is often believed to be immune to criticisms of its treatment of the Tibetan people, but recent events have given me optimism that change is finally possible. Last week after months of work to bring the case, I saw a Spanish court indict former Chinese President Hu Jintao with charges of genocide. And, just this week in Geneva I bore witness to a swathe of world governments standing up for Tibet in China's UN human rights review. China's reaction has been to denounce these governments and try to cover up their abuses.

On 12 November China is expecting these same governments to vote for its election to the United Nations Human Rights Council. But with the undeniable evidence that China is not adhering to even the most basic of human rights conventions it is hard to see how governments can find a plausible reason to say "Yes". I call on you to join me at this crucial moment to strongly urge all governments to take a stand and vote 'No' to China's bid, and help end our suffering.

Please sign the petition: http://www.avaaz.org/en/tibetan_monk_2/?rc=fb&pv=37

